Keep roads safe for owls as daylight hours dwindle
Shorter days signal a risky time for raptors like owls, eagles and hawks. Raptors like to hunt in low light and can be more active near roadsides as they search for small rodents. As the season changes, wild animals may be more active during your normal commute. Find out how you can help keep roads safe for owls and other raptors this season.

Help birds during migration season this fall
Window collisions affect birds all year and are one of the top reasons patients are admitted to Wild ARC. With the annual migration season upon us, the risk for bird collisions may be higher as birds make their long journeys. Learn how you can help protect birds and prevent window collisions.

Cat purrsonality linked to hunting behaviour
Sadly, millions of birds, mammals and other small wild animals are preyed upon by cats each year in Canada. While hunting is an innate behaviour, cats display remarkable individuality in how and what they hunt. Discover the link between feline personality traits and predation rates, and what can be done to prevent cats from harming wildlife.

Are you committed to feeding hummingbirds this winter?
Nectar feeders provide a food source for hummingbirds in winter, but they must be cleaned regularly and kept fresh and full. It’s important to take this commitment seriously!

Rodent-proofing your home
Cooler weather is coming and rodents will be looking for a cozy place to call home for the winter. Learn how to rodent-proof your home in 4 simple steps!

It’s rutting season — what you need to know
Deer in B.C. are entering their annual mating or ‘rutting’ season. While the rut is on, male deer (bucks) are more likely to be involved in vehicle collisions. Find out more about the rut and how you can avoid deer-vehicle collisions.

Urban wildlife do’s and don’ts
Learn about our best practices for preventing conflicts with our wild neighbours and how to co-exist with wildlife.